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News article

8th July 2015

A fantastic achievement came from Environmental Science teacher Jane George last week as she collected a huge number of shoes to take with her on her trip to Kenya next month! 

Jane with her shoe collection

Jane with her shoe collection

Jane visited Kenya last year with 3 St Brendan’s students and went to the village of Alara, where they undertook various tasks including giving gifts to the children and teaching in schools. The students also helped out at health clinics; one of which involved removing jiggers from the pupil’s feet (this is a sand flea which burrows into skin). With many children without a pair of shoes, jiggers are common here and are hugely painful. Since their visit, Jane and her students have educated those back at St Brendan’s. Jane worked to spread the message further last week by visiting Wrington C of E primary school. Telling the children all about her visit, Jane left the school with masses of shoe donations from the very generous children! With bags of shoes filled to the brim in towe, a different group of students this year will be able to provide the children of Alara with shoes, which will save them from serious pain and infections. A HUGE thank you to all who donated! 

