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News article

2nd March 2015

AS Chemistry students recently took part in a hands-on spectroscopy workshop that was facilitated Ikenna Ndukwe (postgraduate student NMR Spectroscopy) and Tim Shuttleworth (postgraduate student Inorganic Chemistry) from the University of Bristol.

Spectroscopy in a Suitcase

Spectroscopy in a Suitcase

They learnt about several types of spectroscopy and were able to gain hands-on experience using two types of spectrometer.

The activities which they took part in used real-life contexts to demonstrate the applications of the techniques and students were able to prepare and run samples of common substances such as caffeine and were then able to analyse the spectra they produced. The ‘Spectroscopy in a Suitcase’ workshop is an outreach activity run by The Royal Society of Chemistry in conjunction with several universities across the UK.  

