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News article

4th December 2020

At St Brendan's Sixth Form College we have made a commitment to ensure that, wherever and however we can, our students and their families will not be adversely affected by COVID-19.

As we navigate our way through this most testing of waters, much as St Brendan himself did all those years ago, we turn our attentions at this time of year to those members of our community who face unprecedented financial hardship because of COVID-19 and seek your support in helping us to bring a little merriment and cheer to all.

We are proud to be launching our 'St Brendan's Community Christmas Appeal' which aims to raise monies that will in turn be used to support those in our College community who are most in need, with Christmas parcels and packages of support. We hope that we can all have a little pressure released at this most cherished time of year, and can all share a little positivity and joy in the spirit of our Catholic ethos. 

If you are in a position where you can donate (no matter how big or small that donation may be) towards our appeal, we ask you to please click on the link below and make your contribution.


In addition to donating, we also ask that you share this appeal amongst your families, friends and community groups,  to widen the reach and involve a wider proportion of our local community.

With thanks for your support

St Brendan's Sixth Form College

