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News article

19th November 2014

St Brendan’s Film Club members pulled off a ‘hat trick’ on Sunday when they won three out of four prizes at the annual CND ‘The Chance of a Lifetime’ Film Competition at the Watershed.

Hayden Weaver and Enya Andres

Hayden Weaver and Enya Andres

The brief was: Show us in a film, 30 – 120 seconds long “What you would tell the world about nuclear weapons?” The best entries were shown on the big screen at the Watershed.

Enya Andres came second in the ‘School Age’ category, whilst Hayden Weaver won first AND second prize in the ‘Youth’ category. Much to Hayden’s chagrin the film he made LAST year as part of his Level Two Media course came first beating THIS year’s entry!  The Competition is judged by BBC professionals and the Head of the University of South Wales Film School.

The awards were presented by David Sproxton, joint founder of Aardman Animation. Previous entrants to the competition from St Brendan’s, Billie Appleton and Jamie England have used the Aardman contact to secure employment at Aardman  whilst they study Film at University.

