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News article

13th September 2018

A St Brendan’s student, who graduated from College just last year, has recently achieved the prestigious ‘Rolls Royce Apprentice of the Year’ Award and we couldn’t be more proud!

Jack Gallop

Jack Gallop

Jack Gallop joined St Brendan’s from Sir Bernard Lovell School in 2015 and studied A-level Physics, Mathematics and Further Maths at College. After achieving an impressive three A’s in his studies, Jack secured a Rolls Royce apprenticeship. After just one year with the business, he has been awarded for his hard work and determination.

“The award was given to me as they believed that I was demonstrating the correct behaviours and attitude and I worked hard on all my work” he explained. “They were pleased that I achieved good results in my degree work (I must have had a head start from good College teachers!) and they thought that I demonstrated good team working skills.”

His first year with the global organisation was packed full of great experiences and challenges. Starting last September, Jack enjoyed an induction expedition involving hiking, kayaking and problem-solving activities and the enjoyment really hasn’t stopped since then!

With the goal of completing his Degree as well as an NVQ and currently working full time on site, Jack looks forward to another year with Rolls Royce and praises them highly, “The company are brilliant and are constantly sending us on fantastic training courses in things such as technical drawing.”

Jack will be returning to College in the spring to talk to students about his post St Brendan’s experience and inspire others. In the meantime we look forward to following Jack’s journey and congratulate him for his latest achievement!

