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News article

29th June 2016

Congratulations and good luck wishes go to St Brendan’s student Tommy Matthews, who is off to Poland this week to compete in the Bouldering Euro Youth Cup! 

Tommy Matthews

Tommy Matthews

Tommy has been a member of the British Bouldering Youth Team for three years now, after starting it as a hobby when he was 13. Bouldering is a form of rock climbing that is performed without ropes or harnesses – the aim is to get from the bottom to the top of a course whilst using balance, technique, strength and your brain. Around 40-60 participants will be competing in Poland, and Tommy hopes to be in the top 6 to get through to the finals.

There’s no time to relax for Tommy after he returns from Poland, as he looks forward to heading off to Austria during the summer to take part in the Euro Youth Championship! The student, who will be going into his second year of College from September, hopes to continue his success within the world of Bouldering and aspires to join the adult team soon. “Hopefully bouldering will be introduced as an Olympic sport in the near future. I’d like to be an Olympic athlete one day.” Alongside his bouldering passion, Tommy plans to continue studying hard next year as he heads towards University life, where he wants to study Medicine or Physiotherapy.

We will update you on how Tommy got on in the competitions after the summer break! In the meantime, you can keep up to date with Tommy's achievements through his Instagram - tom.matthews17 

