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News article

22nd October 2014

The Student Union Executive arranged two successful events for Black History Month.

On 2nd October they held a screening of 12 Years a Slave (complete with snacks)  which captured the audience and gave everyone food for thought. 

Travis Alabanza with Student Union member

Travis Alabanza with Student Union member

On 9th October, they organised workshops delivered by Travis Alabanza, a student from Kings College London, who is also a performance poet, writer and trainer. He read some of his hard hitting poetry exploring his experience of being a Gay Black man in our society, and focussed on how systematic institutionalised oppression can begin to be broken down.

He engaged the audience in looking at privilege and skin colour, and how important it is for Black students to reframe other people’s comments to support their own self-worth, and for white people to support this process.

