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News article

5th December 2018

Language students from across the College gathered last week to hear from three very interesting peers.

Phoebe Long talks to students

Phoebe Long talks to students

Second year students Phoebe Long, Beth Adams and Sia Janjua shared their experiences of the Halsbury Language Experience – an opportunity which all language students can embrace during their first year at College.

St Brendan’s has been working with the Halsbury group for a number of years and encourages language students to get involved with the opportunities presented to them. Halsbury specialises in work experience abroad and is a fantastic company which enables students to spend a week working, living and practising their language skills in France, Germany, Spain or Italy – arranging everything and supporting students whilst they are away!

Phoebe, Beth and Sia are just three of the St Brendan’s students who fully embraced the opportunity with Halsbury and spoke to students about their experiences working and living away from home for a week. The students explained how they became totally immersed in the culture of their chosen country and how they felt it improved their confidence with speaking the language, as well as travelling independently.

During her time in Roen, A-level French student Phoebe enjoyed working in a charity café which helped students and the unemployed across the city. She enjoyed her time meeting new people and other Halsbury students and felt she developed her language skills immensely during just one week. Meanwhile, friend Beth spent her week in Koblenz, Germany. Beth is studying the German diploma at St Brendan’s and thoroughly enjoyed her experiences in the city. During her stay she worked at a care home for dementia patients and returned to the UK feeling more confident and rewarded after her fulfilling role. Sia was the final student to present to students and shared how she stayed in Segovia in Spain for the week and worked in a restaurant; helping behind the bar, taking orders, making drinks and clearing tables.

The first year students were hugely inspired to hear from their fellow language peers and asked questions about their experiences and how much it cost. The inspired audience left feeling motivated and excited to apply for the programme next year!

