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News article

16th December 2015

On Thursday 10th December 2015, 11 Performing Arts students went to the Career Ready Capital Experience in London.

Students on This Morning set

Students on This Morning set

The day consisted of a trip to the Dominion Theatre to hear some inspirational talks in the morning and a tour of ITV Studios in the afternoon.

When we finally arrived at the Dominion Theatre, we were greeted by 1,500 other Career Ready students from all across England and Wales who were clearly just as excited as we were. While we were there, we were all thoroughly inspired by the people that we listened to up on the stage. We were first greeted by Anne Spackard, who is the director of the entire nationwide Career Ready programme, she talked to us about the amazing opportunity we had and how it can help us. We also listened to Billy, a former Career Ready student that, despite a poor school life, had gone on to be very successful and is hoping to have a career in Property Management.

Our next stop was ITV Studios! We were taken on a tour around all of the backstage areas including makeup, the dressing rooms, the green room and all of the lighting and sound areas. We also went onto the set of This Morning and sat on the sofa!

I think after the trip we are all thoroughly inspired to persevere with our dreams and to be open to any opportunities that may become available to us, as you never know where they may lead.

(Article by Emma Stephens – Career Ready student)          

