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News article

30th November 2016

Philosophy and Religious Studies students travelled to Northern Ireland recently to explore conflict resolution. 



The eight students, along with St Brendan’s Chaplain John Lux and Philosophy Teacher Isabella Harding, travelled to visit The Corrymeela Community in Ballycastle, situated at the northern edge of Northern Ireland. Corrymeela is Northern Ireland’s oldest peace and reconciliation organisation, which began before “The Troubles” and continues to grow within a changing post-conflict society. Today, almost 40 full-time staff and dozens of volunteers work with The Corrymeela Community. The students enjoyed the 4-day trip and learnt a lot about peace and conflict resolution, they also visited local remarkable features such as the Giants Causeway.

One student commented, “I really enjoyed my time at Corrymeela. I met wonderful people who I have forged friendships with and strengthened pre-existing ones too. I think that the team building exercises were executed perfectly. The sense of community was lovely and extremely welcoming. The sessions were fascinating, although intense, meaning the breaks were necessary and appreciated. I think the work Corrymeela is doing is inspiring and long may it continue. 

