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News article

10th May 2019

After weeks of campaigning, rallying and pledging, the Students’ Union elections came to a close this week.

The new SU

The new SU

The votes were counted and results announced to all candidates and now we look towards a future with our new 2019/20 SU.

This year, the competition was fierce and students worked hard to gain their chosen post. Congratulations to all those who ran in this year’s election! Student Union Executive Aseye Negedu announced the winners; the team she will be working with as the summer holidays approach.

In the new academic year we will see Nnamdi Onyegu take the position of President, with Edna Adomako as Vice President. Khiaaama Kofi was successfully elected Student Life Officer, Ellie West EDI Officer, Grace Leggett will take charge of Communications whilst Student Governor went to Fiza Tanveer and Secretary to Olie Burton.

We look forward to seeing what the future holds for this group of passionate and motivated students and the things they will achieve as the next academic year unfolds. 

