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News article

18th January 2021

Students and staff from St Brendan’s have been working on a project with the other 9 partner schools in the Bristol Education Partnership. It is called The BEP Climate Challenge.

One of the key themes that the students have been focusing on is FOOD and they have been looking at ways of reducing carbon emissions by understanding how food is produced and by changing what we eat.

The Soil Association has been supporting the Partnership with this project and got in touch to see if World Food Day was something that could be marked within it. As a result students and staff met (via Zoom) and planned a number of activities to celebrate local food.

On World Food Day itself all sorts of events took place across the schools and colleges, including some great incorporations of plant based and seasonal ingredients. The focus was on sharing food and recipes from the many different cultures that make up our school and college communities.

The best of these recipes – from all around the world – have now been put together in a World Food Cookbook. The Cookbook features quite a few of the recipes contributed by students and staff from St Brendan’s like Challah Bread (which looks delicious!), by our student Jasmine.

Click the link below to check out the Jasmine’s recipe plus lots more:


