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News article

19th October 2015

A group of students at St Brendan’s were lucky enough to experience a literary treat last Tuesday, as poet, comedian, musician and song writer John Hegley visited.

John Hegley teaching a class

John Hegley teaching a class

In a captivating performance, Hegley performed an intimate gig for around 50 A-level English students and later inspired his listeners even further whilst teaching a Creative Writing workshop.

Known for his unique style of eccentric and funny poetry, John Hegley has produced literary gems such as ‘Grandad’s song for Grandma’, ‘My Dog is a Carrot’ and ‘Poem de Terre’. John entertained his audience with an interactive seminar where he shared his thoughts on John Keats, his father’s paintings and guillemots. Encouraging his audience to perform moves to his songs, Hegley had his audience in fits of laughter within minutes.

Later in the afternoon, students were taught in class by the Radio 4 favourite, who shared an insight into his unique tone of voice and his interesting way of celebrating the ordinary things in life. Students were encouraged to complete their own pieces of poetry inspired by the man himself, whilst Hegley strolled around the classroom playing his ukulele – something which he is famed for. 

