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News article

8th February 2021

Four teams of ten students and staff from St Brendan’s are midway through a competition between themselves to walk, run or cycle their way from St Brendan's Sixth Form College to Lands’ End – virtually!

They began on Monday 25th January and have until Monday 15th February as a collective to complete the 325km challenge.

Each team member has to record and submit any walking, running or cycling kilometres that they complete in a day and those are added together with the achievements of their team mates to give the team total.

The competition is for fun and wellbeing, but there are some rules:

  •  You can do as many kilometres as you like per a day, but an individual can only submit 7 kilometres per day maximum.
  • 2km cycling is the equivalent to 1km walking or running.

The competition is being run by Jake Britton who is used to motivating and challenging people via sport as he runs the College’s Cheltenham Town FC Player Pathway programme. Jake recruited his teams by sending out the following message in his invite:

‘In these challenging times it's important we all keep active and what better than a bit of competition to motivate us all to get up and get the blood pumping.’

Jake is heading up Team Red. Will it be Team Red, Green, Blue or Purple who emerge as winners – watch this space!




