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News article

22nd October 2014

A2 Chemistry students accompanied by their teachers recently visited the University of Bristol to participate in a half day spectroscopy tour.

The students arrived early and were able to seize the opportunity for some hints and tips for writing UCAS personal statements from one of the Chemsitry admissions tutors.

Student prepairing a sample infra red spectroscopy

Student prepairing a sample infra red spectroscopy

After splitting into smaller groups each group was assigned a post graduate student to accompany them, this meant that our students were able to ask a ‘real university student’ questions about their experiences at university. Each group visited five areas of the Chemistry department where they learned about different spectroscopic techniques.

The students were able to see the expensive apparatus that we learn about in the classroom, they were reminded of the principle behind each technique, the information it provides and how it can be used alongside other equipment.  Our students took part in demonstrations and asked questions.

It was an enjoyable visit that allowed the students the opportunity to experience how several spectroscopic techniques taught at A level work together to benefit the many areas of Chemistry.

