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News article

25th October 2019

Three very determined and inspirational students have been busy representing St Brendan’s across Bristol recently, whilst simultaneously making plans to save the planet!

Aliza speaks to visitor

Aliza speaks to visitor

First year students Aliza Smith, Babirye Oura and Grace Dobson gathered at the M Shed recently, to take part in a Climate Challenge, organised by Bristol Education Partnership.

The event brought together ambassadors from a range of 10 schools from across Bristol and saw them working together to develop school and College-based projects with will help reduce carbon emissions and protect wildlife.

Students were supported by key stakeholders including The Soil Association, Sustrangs, Avon Wildlife Trust, the Centre for Sustainable Energy, Action for Conservation, Resouce Futures and Geneco and gathered information and advice to ensure their projects will work.

The day resulted in a fantastic range of school project plans, including installation of smart meters in schools, living walls and the reuse of waste to produce wildlife habitats.

After a day of workshops, pitches and planning, the trio spent a week back at College researching their project further and putting a plan into place. With a focus on reducing the amount of food waste St Brendan’s produces, Aliza, Babirya and Grace have their sights set firmly on working with a food waste management company to put their discarded food to good use.

Members of the 10 climate-defending schools regathered one week later to present their findings and share their plans. The three students attended a conference held at UWE, where they shared with other peers and stakeholders what they have set out to do and concluded the day with a passionate presentation about the differences they are determined to make at College.

We look forward to seeing the food waste bins pop up around College next term and will keep you up to date with how the project progresses throughout the year!

