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30th April 2015

Over a dozen students had a fantastic opportunity last week to attend an informative talk entitled “Where to with the EU?”

Students voting on the EU

Students voting on the EU

Delivered by History and Government & Politics teacher John Chescoe, the talk broke myths about the EU and explained the advantages and disadvantages of staying as part of the union.

The students, many of whom will be eligible to vote for the first time this year, also learnt what each political party is promising with regard to the EU in their current manifestoes for the upcoming election.

After discussing issues on the EU, it was time to cast anonymous votes to decide on whether we should have a national referendum. The outcome was a resounding 14 votes against and 4 votes in favour.

The event was very informative and enjoyable for all who attended. Said student Bade Pirinc “I was able to link it to my other subjects like Geography, which I found very useful.” 

