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News article

16th March 2015

Sian Webb from Bristol Women’s Voice (BWV) came to St Brendan’s last week to talk to a group of female students as part of a piece of work that she is doing  to inform the ‘Women’s Strategy for Bristol’.

She is collating information on what are key issues for women across the city.

Women's Voice

Women's Voice

BWV has been set up with support from Bristol City Council but is independent of the Council. It is an incorporated charity and is managed by Bristol women chosen by Bristol women for Bristol women. BWV provides a way for women to influence the public authorities, for example the Council, health bodies and the police in how they meet women’s needs and promote women’s equality.

The students spoke to her about a number of  issues for them including public transport (not feeling safe at night on buses), violence against women, gender stereo-typing and media representation of women.

