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News article

22nd January 2016

A group of 10 female St Brendan’s students enjoyed a meeting last week to discuss an exciting upcoming event at College! 

The yoga girls in their meeting

The yoga girls in their meeting

The students met with Westport – a company which works to develop coaching clubs, volunteering, school sport and competition in Schools, Colleges and Universities. The 10 students met to plan and discuss a yoga programme which they are going to run in College in association with the ‘This Girl Can’ initiative. Along with a professional yoga teacher, the group will provide students and staff at St Brendan’s with yoga classes for 6 weeks during lunch times.

The new programme will be launched on Thursday 28th January with the arrival of a big pink yurt in the amphitheatre! On the 28th, members of the St Brendan’s community are welcome to visit the yurt and take part in taster sessions. From next Thursday, a professional yoga teacher will run weekly lunchtime sessions in the dance studio, over the period of 6 weeks.

The group of ‘This Girl Can’ students invite you to join them in the amphitheatre on the 28th January to sign up to the sessions; whether you are a yoga master or just want to try it out, head along to find out more!

