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News article

15th November 2019

Identical twins Maddie and Bee left St Brendan’s back in 2015, and since then have been lost in a world of books, YouTube and university; this week they returned to College to share stories of their post-St Brendan’s journey with us.

Maddie and Bee

Maddie and Bee

English Literature, English Language and History as well as completing their EPQ’s. They both went on to study English Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Birmingham and graduated with (of course) identical first class degrees. Whilst at university, they created, organised and chaired an event called ‘Writing YA’, where six prominent Young Adult authors shared their craft and publishing advice. It was the first students-run event of its kind to take place at the university.

If writing their dissertations wasn’t enough, in their third year the pair entered a competition run by Simon & Shuster, submitted their co-authored young adult novel in progress. They came second out of hundreds of entries and received a professional edit letter!

Maddie and Bee have also taken their love for books to social media and are proud owners of very successful Instagram account and have a YouTube channel with over 10,000 subscribers! Via their platforms, they work with publishers such as Walker Books, Scholastic and Hachette to promote and review their Young Adult titles.

Now, the twins are back in their home town of Bristol and are continuing with their writing. Currently working on the third draft of their project, they will be querying agents by the end of the year and hope to be published in 2020. We can’t wait to see what the future holds…

