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News article

14th June 2019

With hundreds of students going on to ambitious and exciting journeys once they’ve graduated from St Brendan’s, we love it when an ex-student gets in contact to tell us how they’re doing!



This week, we heard from Charlotte Watkivs, an environmental superhero spreading her passion for zero waste far and wide.

Charlotte finished St Brendan’s back in 2011. Eight years on, we were thrilled to hear about all the great things she’s been up to! Co-founder of ‘Zero Waste Life’, Charlotte contacted us to share her recent TEDx talk, in which she encourages her listeners to make small changes that could lead to big differences for our planet and future generations.

In her thought-provoking and inspirational talk, Charlotte shares her journey of living a zero waste life and explains how she has sent no rubbish to landfill in over two years. This has been achieved by reducing her need for single use items, repurposing and reusing old items, recycling what can’t be reused and rotting organic waste.

Through her fascinating and inspirational website and blog, both Charlotte and her business partner Anna empower lifestyle adaptations and share great tips on how to make the move to a Zero Waste Life. You can watch Charlotte’s talk here.

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