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Young adults who are currently in education but do not have access to the world of work can find it hard to decide on what they want to do next - can you help us, help them?

We know the more interactions students have with employers, the more informed their decision-making process towards career progression is. We particularly would like to work with employers who value diversity and inclusion. We want our students to be able to visualise working in your organisation. 

We want to build and develop partnerships with employers and this section of our website provides information about how you can help. The valuable experience that you can provide for our students is something they will carry with them throughout life. 


We believe that our students will add value to your business by:

  • Reversed mentoring (helping you to understand how young people think)

  • Raising your profile

  • Growing your talent

  • Achieving new perspectives and ideas

  • Gaining new understanding of modern learning

Below is a range of ways you could work with us:

