The EPQ is an independent research project which involves an essay of 5000 words or creating an artefact which might be anything from a piece of art or performance to an app. You can study any subject topic you wish but it's a good idea to choose a topic that you're interested in, or want to know more about. You'll hone the skills needed to become an independent learner, helping you prepare for the demands of further education or employment.
The intention of EPQ is to equip students with the necessary skills to become independent, critically minded and reflective learners. EPQ will support students across their Level 3 programmes of study by providing the skills to become independent learners; especially with regard to those courses with a strong coursework element. Furthermore, the experience of conducting independent research will help students bridge the gap as they progress from College to University, Apprenticeship or the workplace.
You will become independent in your approach to learning, self-motivated and develop a confidence in your ability to succeed. Holistically, an EPQ will help you develop a sense of curiosity and enrichment for a subject that will help create greater aspiration for higher education and/or career development.
To give you an idea of the breadth of this qualification, this a selection of projects worked on by our students in a variety of subject areas:
We will tell you all about the EPQ in Year 12 so that you can decide whether to pursue this option.
EPQ study starts in the summer term of Year 12, and in Year 13 you'll get a weekly EPQ lesson with a tutor to help you plan your project. In lessons and in your EPQ Teams group, you'll be encouraged to collaborate and problem solve.
The exam board is AQA.
The assessment objectives are; Project Management, Use of Resources, Development and Realisation, and Review.
Students submit their completed essay and a production log (a record of their research journey). All students also give a formal presentation on their findings to their peers.
Find out how to apply for (EPQ) Extended Project Qualification (apply in Year 12).