Level 3 or Access to Level 3?
There are a lot of different options when it comes to post-16 study and it can often get confusing with the different types of qualifications and levels of study available to you!
The first step is to figure out whether you will be studying on a 'Level 3' or 'Access to Level 3' study programme. Here you will find some information on each Level and the qualifications you need to access them.
You also need to consider whether you would like to study A-levels and/or BTECs. St Brendan's enables students to combine both types of Level 3 qualifications to suit your personal interests - we will build you a bespoke timetable built around your subject choices. You will find some information on the differences between A-levels and BTECs below.

Level 3 Study

Access to Level 3

A-levels explained