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Marina Vissaridis (English and Creative Writing student)

Attended St Brendan's 2011 - 2013 

Subjects Studied: English Language, Psychology, ICT, Communication & Culture 

Previous School: St Gregory's Catholic College

Marina Vissaridis

Marina Vissaridis

Since leaving St Brendan's, I have gone on to do a BA Hons Degree in English Language and Creative Writing, at the University of Gloucestershire, which I have recently completed. I found university to be a very challenging but rewarding experience. I am currently looking for some work experience in my field after moving back home. 

St Brendan's supported me by giving me the opportunity to get published in The St Brendan's Sixth Form College Short Story Anthology 2012-2013. This gave me an advantage when starting my degree, as I already had a story published and experience in writing, drafting and editing my own work, which proved to be a large part of the creative writing course. 

The advice I would give to current students is to always try your best and don't give up on a subject you love. Looking back on my A-levels, I feel I could have done more research and revision to understand a wider range within my chosen subjects, which would have potentially boosted my grades, as well as prepared me for the large amounts of independent research that is required for the assignments at degree level. 

In ten years' time I hope to be in a job that I really enjoy and that I am financially stable and secure in. I also hope to have fulfilled my dream of travelling around the world. 

