Ryan Danvers (Medicine Student at Oxford University)
Attended St Brendan's 2016-2018
A-levels studied: Maths, Chemistry, Biology, English Language.
Previous School: Colston's School.

Ryan Danvers
After St Brendan’s, I headed to Oxford University to study Medicine, I am currently in my second year.
St Brendan’s really helped me get to where I am today through the Advanced Graduate Programme (AGP), which made striving for Oxbridge feel a lot more achievable. It was really beneficial to meet current Oxbridge students through this programme to understand what their experience was really like, and even ‘demystify’ many of the preconceived notions that can scare people away from applying to these prestigious universities.
In addition, making use of the various opportunities offered by the college's BioMed Group really helped me to broaden my interest in Medicine, and provided the basis for a lot of the wider reading that I later explored in my personal statement and interviews.
St Brendan's also offered continuous support through both the personal statement and interview processes, which helped me receive four medical school offers.
I would advise everyone to make the most of all the ‘super-curricular’ opportunities that are available at St Brendan's, whether that be work-experience placements, access schemes or even subject talks. I would especially recommend this in Year 12, as this can help make your applications to higher education a lot more competitive, and can really help you make informed decisions on which path you seek to take after college.
In 10 years, I aspire to be working as a cardiologist, though I also wish to stay in touch with my academic background, potentially through medical research.