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Careers Support at St Brendan's

Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance at St Brendan's is delivered in accordance with the latest government guidelines to meet The Gatsby Benchmarks.

It is completely impartial and led by the best outcomes for our students.

Our Careers Programme is structured around the 17 desirable learning outcomes from The Career Development Institute Framework for careers, employability and enterprise education.

The Careers and Employability Manager Robert is our designated careers lead

Please click HERE for an overview of careers education, events, support and activities across the whole study programme. You will see details of specific activities aimed at different cohorts of students depending on which year group they are in. Parents and carers can see what support is taking place at different points of the year to support discussions at home.


College Careers Events

We have a wide and varied programme of careers events throughout the year. All students have the opportunity to learn about the range of...

Provider Access Statement

Introduction This policy statement sets out the College's arrangements for managing providers' access to students at the College to give...

Careers Information

Careers News The latest University, Apprenticeship and Employment opportunities are sent out though our careers newsletter. This is...

Careers News

'Careers News' - featuring the latest apprenticeships, university and college opportunities, career-related events and much more. Careers...

Careers Appointments

One-to-one guidance appointments To request a one-to-one guidance appointment, please email with details about what you...


An apprenticeship is a great way to gain the skills, knowledge and experience you need to get into many careers. There are many different...

Applying to University

We have built strong links with all the local Universities and invite Universities from across the country to our careers events. Students...

Work Experience

At St Brendans we recognise the importance of students gaining first hand experience of the workplace through workplace visits, work...

Career Ready

All students in year 12 have the opportunity to apply for the Career Ready Programme Career Ready is a UK-wide social mobility charity that...

Labour Market Information

We use current up to date labour market information to ensure that students are able to make informed choices about choosing a career...

