The Chaplaincy offers various groups and activities to enrich your experience at St Brendan's. You can explore your faith, meet new people, learn new skills, and make a positive difference in your local community and around the world.
CHAPLAINCY STUDENT LEADERS: Are you interested in taking on a leadership role in the College? Get involved in the Chaplaincy Enrichment program!
CAFOD YOUNG LEADERS PROGRAM: Join our CAFOD Young Leaders group if you're passionate about social action and want to make a positive change in your community. CAFOD is the official Catholic aid agency for England and Wales, working globally.
YOUTH SVP (SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL): Help tackle poverty by providing practical assistance to those in need. Activities include visiting the elderly, writing letters to sick children, cooking meals for the hungry, and more.
COMMUNITY (CHOIR): Take the lead in sharing and developing musical celebration in College. You can form groups and choirs, share you musical gifts and contribute to our Mass on Fridays.
GROWING IN FAITH TOGETHER (GIFT) (PRAYER & LITURGY, INTERFAITH): Celebrate diversity and faith through planning, leading, and sharing in prayer, reflecting on scripture, and engaging in creative meditation.
LAUDATO SI ANIMATORS (ECO): Become an advocate for social change and engage in sustainable lifestyles. As animators, you'll work to bring Pope Francis's encyclical Laudato Si' to life and care for our common home.