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News article

21st November 2023

Our collaboration with the Bristol Future Talent Partnership enables our students to seize some incredible opportunities. Most recently it was 5-days of work experience at Yeo Valley, the market leading, family run farm and dairy business, where our students secured top spot in the presentation challenge!

They began their week with some team building and networking activities, and got to hear all about the vast range of careers at Yeo Valley and industry it operates in. They returned to Yeo Valley HQ the following day for a tour of the farm and a presentation based on the company’s marketing strategy.

Production was the focus for day three, with our students getting a behind the scenes tour of their factories in Isleport and Cannington. One student, Sahib, said this was his favourite day as they ‘carried out multiple activities, such as packing and welding, which were great fun to partake in’ and ‘learnt about the different processes that occur within the company like food production and the filtration of waste products which was very interesting’.

To develop their career focused skills they spent the next day receiving top tips on how to present their CV and took part in interview workshops. The final day of the trip was all about the big event – the presentation! They spent the morning preparing their projects and polishing their pitches. In the afternoon they presented their marketing campaign for a brand new energy drink, including the ingredients, costings, packaging and product sustainability.

The judges were blown away by the attention to detail our students displayed in their presentation, highlighting how resourceful their learnings were from the week, as well as their teamwork and confidence during the pitch. In recognition of their fantastic effort our students were awarded the top spot out of all the presentations.

Our victors each received a £25 Amazon voucher, Yeo Valley goodie bag and certificate. In addition to this, they walked away with a new set of skills and experiences which will benefit their CVs and personal statements. Well done team and a big thank you to our Careers team, Yeo Valley and the Bristol Future Talent Partnership!

