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News article

7th September 2022

We love seeing our students flourish during their time at St Brendan’s and this happens in extra-curricular activities as well as in lessons. Alongside our 70 A-level and BTEC courses, we also offer lots of enrichment clubs and societies led by staff or a team of staff and students. The latter is how our eco enrichment club - EcoTastic - was formed, and this summer they became award winners.

Out of 54 schools and youth groups, our very own eco club - EcoTastic won the Groundbreakers Reach & Impact Award. The Groundbreakers Awards are given to local young people for their ideas to help the city of Bristol reach the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The Awards ceremony celebrated young people aged 7-25 who have developed impressive projects that positively impact the environment and the people within their schools, colleges, or neighbourhoods. It took place in the summer at the Bristol Beacon. Councillor Asher Craig and Simi Pam from Bristol Bears recognised eight projects for innovation, impact, and reach.

EcoTastic won due to their positive direct action through the transformation of our college grounds to promote biodiversity and well-being. As award winners, EcoTastic will be given additional professional help to increase their impact across the city, as well as having their ideas on posters across the city. The club already has more plans to improve our environmental impact across the College for the new academic year, which includes ECO week, which we will be taking part in at the end of September.

We like to congratulate the EcoTastic members for their ideas and drive to create a positive impact on our College grounds. We would like to thank our geography teacher Matt Warren for leading the enrichment group and for always encouraging our students with his energetic and positive can-do attitude. We would also like to thank the College's Premises team for supporting our students with the meadow project. Our Sustainability Project Manager Laura Marsland has worked tirelessly to implement initiatives that encourage our College community to take action to reduce their carbon footprint. 

[Photo] Isaac, Leah, and Hannah
- some of the EcoTastic Members

“It was fantastic to see the students recognised for their hard work and dedication and we are looking forward to working with The Global Goals Centre to take the project further.”

St Brendan's Sustainability Project Manager Laura Marsland

