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News article

17th August 2023

St Brendan’s Sixth Form College is celebrating tremendous success today as their students collect their A-level and BTEC results. The College has the largest cohort of A-level students in the region and today 716 young people have received their results.

Students at St Brendan’s have managed to achieve an impressive A-level pass rate of over 95% including 780 high grade passes. This is despite the disruption that they have experienced in their education over the last few years and against the backdrop of a downturn in results nationally as exam boards return grade boundaries to pre-pandemic levels.

The College has also seen another increase in its BTEC grades with 55% of grades achieved by students taking Level 3 BTEC and Applied General courses being either Distinction or Distinction* (Star) which is the highest grade possible.

Over 17% of this year’s cohort have achieved high grades across all of their subjects (A-levels &/or BTECs). These include Hannan and Finn (pictured below). Hannan secured three A* grades in Accounting, Business and Geography and is now looking forward to starting an Audit apprenticeship with Evelyn Partners who are the UK’s leading integrated wealth management group. Finn achieved an A* and three A grades in Maths and Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry and is headed to University of Bristol to study Maths.

Over 450 students (63% of the cohort) applied through UCAS this year and the majority will be going to their first choice University. Amongst these are Rosie and Beth (pictured below) who will be taking up their places at University of Cambridge. Rosie (A*, A*, A, A) will be studying History and Beth (A*, A, A, B) will be studying Veterinary Science.

A record number of students have secured apprenticeships in many different fields including accounting, law, business, computing and engineering. They will be taking up employment with companies all over the region including PwC, Burges Salmon, NHS, Ministry of Defence, Thatchers Cider and Grant Thornton. Amongst these is Harry (pictured below) who will be starting his Solicitor apprenticeship in September with Burges Salmon. Harry studied Politics Law and Criminology at St Brendan’s and today received results of A*, A*, Distinction*.

Marian Curran, Principal of St Brendan’s expressed her pride and joy at the remarkable accomplishments of the students, stating, "I am immensely proud of each and every one of our students for their outstanding achievements. Their hard work, determination, and unwavering spirit have resulted in exceptional results. They have not only excelled academically but here at St Brendan’s they have also become well-rounded individuals, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. I would also like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated staff for their tireless efforts in shaping the future of our students. The success of our students is a true reflection of the collective commitment of our entire college community.”

