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News article

28th January 2021

Around 500 St Brendan’s students will head off to university this summer. They have submitted their applications and interview dates and offers are now rolling in.

Three students have already received offers for places at Oxford University. Charlotte has a grade conditional offer to study Law at Queen’s College, Amy to study Biology at St Hilda’s and Alice to study Psychology at Wadham. Alice will be following in the footsteps of her sister Maddie, who also attended St Brendan’s and progressed to Oxford to study Maths three years ago.

Alice, Amy and Charlotte are all part of the St Brendan’s Advanced Graduate Programme. This programme is for the College’s most academically gifted students so that they continue to excel throughout their post-16 studies. It has a strong focus on pursuing places at top Russell Group Universities, studying competitive degrees, securing the most sought-after apprenticeships and elite work placements.

As part of their preparation the three received: 1:1 sessions with specialist teachers, mock interviews, and lots of masterclass options to help boost their super-curricular profile.

Marian Curran, Principal at St Brendan’s said ‘Massive congratulations to Amy, Charlotte and Alice. An Oxbridge application requires dedication to academic studies and a commitment to a significant amount time spent on academic enrichment and we are very proud of all three of them for securing their offers. I am also very proud and grateful to the teachers and staff who have supported them through this process and who will continue to support them through to results day and beyond.’


