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News article

23rd November 2020

Students at St Brendan’s Sixth Form College recently attended a virtual awards ceremony to mark their fundraising achievements for the charity CAFOD.

CAFOD is the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development that works tirelessly to try to end poverty and injustice around the world. It is a charity that works on long-term development as well as responding to emergencies. 

As the students' year long CAFOD Young Leaders course was cut short in March 2020 when Lockdown started, the group looked for alternative ways of continuing. They decided to use Microsoft Teams, the platform which the college uses for e-learning, to share resources to complete the course.

Fundraising became very difficult once the college was closed, but prior to the lockdown they had already raised over £200 for the charity.

The virtual awards ceremony took place via video link to CAFOD’s head office in London. The St Brendan's students were told that together with the other 42 schools taking part on the course they had managed to raise the awareness of CAFOD’s work with over 12,000 people.

At the end of the ceremony the students received their certificates as well as heartfelt thanks for all their hard work in this difficult year.

