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News article

7th October 2015

On the 23rd of September, St Brendan’s celebrated European Day of Languages.

Students on European Languages Day

Students on European Languages Day

As part of the event, students took part in ‘speed dating’ with a difference, they had the opportunity to learn a number of different languages from their peers. They visited a number of different stations, each representing a different country and gained knowledge of languages they had never had an opportunity to experience before.

“We were also encouraged to mingle with one another and share what we learnt; gaining interesting glimpses of different languages and cultures.   

There was a wide diversity of languages available to learn which included Spanish, German, Italian, Arabic, Russian, Polish, Modern Greek, Chinese and Portuguese. These were all taught by natives or experts in the language. Each station taught its simple greetings such as "Hello, how are you?" and phrases such as "I like to eat...".

As well as learning languages, we enjoyed a buffet which was the perfect reflection of the day; a mixture of traditional French, German and Spanish food with olives, baguettes, pain au chocolat, sausages and salad. All delicious!

All students enjoyed the event, it was great to learn something new outside of the classroom and we felt as though we had travelled the world without even leaving College!”

Rachel Grimes (AS student)


