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News article

19th November 2018

The St Brendan’s STEM and BioMed students were thrilled to welcome Dr Ben Metcalfe to College last week.

Ben speaks to students

Ben speaks to students

Dr Metcalfe is a regular guest speaker and friend of St Brendan’s and this time came to update students on his latest research into the fascinating world of biosensors. The captivating lecturer provided students with a humorous account of his career path; explaining how he grew up on a farm and went to school “in a hut in a field”. Ben explained how since a young age he was told he would never make it as an engineer as maths wasn’t his strong point. Proving his doubters wrong, he is now an associate professor at the University of Bath and specialises in biomedical signal processing and neural engineering and he has previously worked as a consultant engineer! His interested audience kept him long after the talk finished, asking questions about the future of biosensors, his choice of University and how he could afford to go on to Higher Education with very little financial assistance from home

