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News article

6th November 2023

We recently caught up with Joe who is one of our Year 13 ASPIRE students. Joe updated us on his incredible summer and the trip he made to New York to check out all that studying at university in America has to offer.

Joe accessed this fully-funded trip by successfully getting onto The Sutton Trust US Programme, an opportunity that our Careers Team helped him discover. Entry to it is highly competitive, with almost 1000 applicants competing for 150 places.

Yale University was Joe’s chosen base for the US taster week, but he got the chance to visit other campuses including Harvard and Amherst, as well as meeting with over 40 universities exhibiting at a fair hosted by Harvard. Throughout the week, Joe was encouraged to network with the Admissions Officers to find out more and connect with them ahead of the application process. To help him throughout the next stages, Joe has an assigned mentor to support with decision making.

Joe kicked off the week with a shortlist of 10 universities and with the wealth of information he was able to access on this trip, two top Ivy League universities rose to the top of his list! With its undergraduate open curriculum style where students have full freedom to choose their subjects, Joe can imagine Brown University as a potential place for him. Unlike the education system in UK universities, you use your first and second years of study to discover what you like at US universities before you major in your chosen subject in your third and fourth years. The other contender is Dartmouth College, quoted as ‘one of the world's greatest academic institutions’, which has been educating leaders since 1769.

Over the next few months, with the support of his assigned mentor, Joe will work his way through the application process to his chosen destination, which we can reveal is ... Dartmouth!

His application success continues with the recent news that Joe has become a semi-finalist for a scholarship. We’ll be cheering him on from the side-lines and look forward to hearing how it all goes. Good luck, Joe!

Calling all Year 12’s who would like to apply for The Sutton Trust Programme, find out more here. The Careers Team will be able to assist you with further details and many other opportunities.

Joe and the Sutton Trust group at the Top of the Rock in New York

Joe and the Sutton Trust group at the Top of the Rock in New York

