Young Carers
A young carer is someone aged 25 and under who cares for a family member who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support.
What’s on offer?
Young Carers at St Brendan's are offered individual support from a designated teacher. This support provides students with college-based skills such as time management and organisation. We assist with post-18 support: UCAS, apprenticeship and job applications.
The college offers pastoral support from the Mental Health and Welfare team and regular check-ins.
If you are finding things difficult at the moment there are people you can reach out to.
The college also uses Talk Campus a mental health app linked to the college which offers 24/7 support this can be found in your Apps store (Link Below)
Enrolling at St. Brendan’s
The designated teacher will meet with each young carers once they start at St Brendan's to gain an understanding of their specific situation and to create a tailored approach to their education. These transition meetings aim to identify need and fit college around any caring responsibilities.
Life after college
Our dedicated Careers Team are here to help you make the best choices for your next steps. Whether that is applying for university, apprenticeships or work. They will be here to ensure you have the knowledge you need to tackle life after college. There are also many organisations which can support Young carers in life after college.
If you are thinking of University UCAS have information on how best to prepare