Climate Change
We all have a shared responsibilty to protect our planet. Being mindful of our actions will improve our quality of life and preserve our environment. We are working together to reduce our carbon footprint and make our College campus a more environmentally friendly place for students to thrive now and long into the future.
Climate change is caused by greenhouse gases which wrap themselves around the Earth trapping the sun’s heat and raising the planet’s temperature. Greenhouse gases are created from burning fossil fuels to generate electricity and heat, emissions from manufacturing, transport and food production. Deforestation is responsible for roughly a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions. Our lifestyles have an impact on the planet, from our use of power to the amount we buy and waste.
There is no Planet B! We are all responsible for the choices we make and the impact we have on our environment. Let's take some action.

Sustainability on the College Campus

Recycling bins are located in each classroom and in both Cafes which encourage all of our students and staff to separate their waste.

The lights are off! Two of our College buildings are fitted with solar panels, which help to generate electricity for the campus.
All classrooms and staff hubs are fitted with lights that automatically switch off if the lights do not detect any movement for a period of time. We are in the process of upgrading lighting to more energy efficient LED fittings.
Our computers switch off automatically after 4:30pm to reduce our electricity usage and to remind our staff not to work too late!

All onsite toilets filtrate rainwater to stop the use of fresh water to flush sewage. This is something we have implemented for a number of years and is something we are proud to achieve.
We have water taps located throughout the campus for students to have a hydrating pit stop; we have also begun installing refillable water stations for students and staff to refill their bottles.
We also implement guidance on reducing the unnecessary use of single use plastics from College campus.

Due to the location of our campus, riding a bike or using public transport are probably the easiest ways to travel to the College for most students. Our College coach service and use of public transport significantly reduces single occupancy car journeys.