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Public Bus Services

St Brendan’s Sixth Form College is located on Broomhill Road, close to the A4 between Bristol and Bath (see red marker on map). Several operators provide services with stops close to College as detailed below:

First Bus

Offering a variety of routes within the Bristol & Bath area, First Bus are the largest provider of buses in the region. Details of routes running to St Brendan’s Sixth Form College can be found by clicking here: First Bus website. This also provides details of the different ticket options available and the cost of each.

The First Bus App is free, giving students general information and the opportunity to purchase an electronic ticket. Electronic tickets known as “MTickets” can be purchased on the app and stored on a smart phone. Details of how to download the app can be found on the First Bus website.

SB Services (operated by First Bus)

Following the withdrawal of Turners from the school transport market, we are delighted to announce details of additional direct First Bus services to College starting in September 2024. Like the SB services currently in operation, the new routes are public bus services however they are aimed at our students and will drop off and pick up outside of the pavilion at the end of the St Brendan’s driveway. Tickets for the SB services are not exclusive and can be used on other First Bus routes. They are available via the app, from the driver or directly from First Bus in the normal way.

NEW FOR 2024/25 - We will be introducing services SB4, SB5, SB6 & SB7. These new services largely cover the existing Turners coach routes, but we are also pleased to be able to offer a direct bus service from the Bedminster area.

Services SB1, SB2 and SB3 will remain unchanged.

Having listened to your feedback, we have increased capacity in areas where transport has proven difficult, providing more services & options for students living in the Hanham and Longwell Green areas.

A summary of areas covered is as follows:

SB1 -  Kingswood, Cadbury Heath, Barrs Court and Longwell Green

SB2 -  Downend, Staple Hill, Fishponds, Kingswood, St George, Hanham and Longwell Green

SB3 – Stockwood, Whitchurch, Hartcliffe, Knowle and Brislington

SB4 – Yate, Westerleigh, Lyde Green, Emersons Green, Mangotsfield & Warmley

SB5 – Coalpit Heath, Frampton Cotterell, Winterbourne, Frenchay, Stapleton, Fishponds, Speedwell, St George, Hanham

SB6 -  Yate, Chipping Sodbury, Pucklechurch, Wick, Bridgeyate, North Common, Oldland, Cadbury Heath and Willsbridge

SB7 – Hengrove, Bishopsworth, Highridge, Bedminster Down, Bedminster, Southville, Temple Meads, Lawrence Hill, Easton, Redfield, St George, Hanham

Download the map here

The timetables for all SB routes can be found below. Tab 1 will show the journey to College, and tab 2 will show the journey from College.

Four of the SB routes (SB3, SB4, SB5 & SB6) will operate once a day at the start & end of the college day but for services SB1, SB2 and SB7 there will be 2 services per day with the 2nd service getting in for 2nd lesson and leaving after 4th lesson.

Please note visual timetables for SB1, SB2 and SB3 are available on the First Bus website here, and those for SB4, SB5, SB6 and SB7 will be uploaded soon.

SB1 timetable

SB2 timetable

SB3 timetable

SB4 timetable

SB5 timetable

SB6 timetable

SB7 timetable

Travelling by the SB bus service will give our students:

  • Greater access to local bus stops than the current Turners service, so less travel time.
  • Lower costs with many different ticket types available to suit individual finances.
  • Direct service to College.
  • Dedicated customer service and complaints area at First Bus.  
  • More flexibility – tickets can be used during weekends and evening depending on ticket purchased and different services used to tie in with timetable.

Other First Bus routes

First Bus will continue to run their routes 1, 17, 349, 522 and 349 which along with the SB routes will give excellent access to College from most areas of Bristol and surrounding towns. The X39 will also continue to run to & from Bath.

The map below gives a good visual overview of the First bus routes in Bristol. Click on this link to see this in a larger format.

First Bus zones

As per the First Bus website, First Bus tickets fall within two zones; the Bristol zone and the West of England zone (both outlined below). A Student’s address will determine which zone is applicable and what type of ticket is required.

First Bus Bristol zone:

First Bus West of England zone:

Further information about First Bus

The First Bus Group website can be used to view timetables by route number, town or Bus Stop name.

For further information about First Bus contact:

Telephone – 0345 646 0707 – lines are open 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday.

Other bus routes to St Brendan’s Sixth Form College

Air Decker

For students coming from South Bristol, the Air Decker bus is also an option for travel to and from College. The route links Bath, Saltford, Keynsham and South Bristol and drops off students close to the College site.

Air Decker offer a 10 journey ticket at a set price of £25. Alternatively, a weekly ticket can be purchased from the Finance office here at College for £15 (Air Decker only) or an Avon Rider ticket for £18.80 (the Avon Rider ticket covers both Air Decker and First bus routes). The figures quoted are correct at time of writing (May 2024).

Air Decker Route Map:

The timetable for Air Decker is available to view here. Click on Air Decker for further information on this service.

Park & Ride (number 9)

Stagecoach operate this service combining the Brislington Park and Ride and Portway Park and Ride. Merged into one cross-city route, the service runs between the two Park and Ride sites via the City Centre. With the Park and Ride site located just off of the A4 minutes away from St Brendan’s, this offers an additional way to travel to College.

See Stagecoach for further details & view the timetable by clicking on Park & Ride service 9 timetable.

You can use the online journey planner to create a personalised timetable, or download the Stagecoach Bus App which gives:

  • Live bus times - so you know exactly when it will arrive, and once on the bus, follow your journey so you know when to get off.
  • Journey planner - use your phone's GPS to find the right buses, stops and routes.

How to contact us:

If you have any comments or concerns about travelling to College, we can be contacted by emailing

