We welcome students who have a disability, specific learning difficulty or medical condition and actively encourage early disclosure of needs so that we can talk to you about your support requirements. To ensure that the best possible support can be provided, it's essential that students with recognised needs are assessed prior to entry to the College: a space on the application form is made available for this information and it can be discussed further at the interview. Any written evidence of a learning difficulty should be included with the application so that we can plan for particular needs or apply for examination concessions, if applicable.
The College has a specialist Inclusive Learning team who provides additional learning support which is tailored to you. The team has its own suite of rooms including dedicated computers, specialist software and a quiet zone.
The Inclusive Learning Team offers one-to-one development or small group support to enable you to develop the necessary skills to succeed in your course. This might be specialist support for an impairment or disability, individually planned support for those with a recognised learning difficulty, or generalised help to raise the standard of work for any student, whether or not you have a specific difficulty. Assistance is offered for all subjects with an emphasis on study skills and essay writing, using a variety of techniques and resources.
The welfare support team at St Brendan’s offers a confidential non-judgemental space where you can talk about any problems affecting your ability to study. With welfare support, you can talk about your problems and worries and find alternative ways of moving forward in life. Appointments are available for all students.
To find out more about Inclusive Learning and SEND click here.
I came from a school in Bath and had just completed
Year 12. This was a difficult year as the subjects I chose
were too demanding and caused me a lot of stress;
particularly as I did not get the support I was entitled to.
However, coming to St Brendan's has been great! This
is because I put my head down, used my time and the
support available well in order to apply myself to
my subjects.
I have felt so much happier in many ways and I
particularly like the staff's attitude and informality.
Learning support has been the best I've ever had.