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The Religion, Philosophy and Ethics programme is a compulsory course which deals with interesting philosophical, religious and moral issues. The course is taught in one 45-minute lesson per week - there is no homework or exam. Faith or religious affiliation isn't expected or required. Still, students are encouraged to have a positive attitude to discussing a wide range of issues which will impact their lives now and in the future. 

The College is Catholic in its religious tradition, but this doesn't mean we impose a set of ideas and values on you. On the contrary, the aims of the lessons are to introduce you to a variety of ideas and encourage you to analyse and discuss rigorously. As a Catholic College, we encourage the most comprehensive debate possible because we are enthusiastic for all students to have the opportunity to share their ideas with others from different religious and non-religious backgrounds. Students begin to realise that this programme sharpens their skills of analysis, understanding, and reflection and supports them as they mature into young adults. The course is assessed on a variety of criteria and you are awarded certificates for Distinction, Merit and Pass. These awards will be referred to in any College reference, including university.

